Unique Socials

Not all social media sites are the same but a lot of try and copy each other unique characteristics, for example facebook has copied snapchat by adding a 24hour story and filters when taking a picture, also snapchat has copied Instagram by adding a chat bar to the bottom of your story picture. People like what they know and what works easiest for them. I like facebook and snapchat, I’ve got Instagram and twitter but I don’t use twitter ever because it is so confusing to work.

Snapchat- By now, you’ve probably heard of Snapchat. It’s an app that lets you send quickly disappearing messages, photos, and videos, either directly to select friends or to everyone who follows your Snapchat account.

Facebook – By now, you’ve probably heard of Snapchat. It’s an app that lets you send quickly disappearing messages, photos, and videos, either directly to select friends or to everyone who follows your Snapchat account.The one GREAT thing about Facebook, is it’s easy to share your photos. So, say a group of you go out, and instead of having to tell everyone to send you the pics, on Facebook, each person loads them up to their page. Then they “tag” other people that are in the photo. Once someone is “tagged” it goes on their page, then they have the option of keeping it or deleting it. Facebook – By now, you’ve probably heard of Snapchat. It’s an app that lets you send quickly disappearing messages, photos, and videos, either directly to select friends or to everyone who follows your Snapchat account.

Twitter – Twitter is a great way to get several answers to a question or opinions on a topic. In fact, a great use of Twitter as a crowd-sourcing platform is to ask your network what you should write about on your blog. Or if you know what you want to write about, use your network to give you ideas and help you flesh out the post.

Instagram – Here’s what I’ve learned about why they love Instagram: 1.It turns photos into a social object that encourages conversation. Lots of other apps actually make technically better (IE sharper) photos but Instagram is one of the few that turns a photo into something that starts a conversation. Nametags lets you create a special image that people can scan with the Instagram Stories camera to follow you.

Published by mariemacarthur

I am 24 and ginger.

5 thoughts on “Unique Socials

  1. BTW, in the Facebook section its not letting me delete the snapchat bit out I’ve edited it like 6 times and still isn’t coming out so please just ignore it coz I’m about to put a hole through this computer screen 🙂


  2. Marie which topic is this blog for? It is not clear? You have a number of grammatical errors which is impacting on my understanding of blog. Can you please address and let me know when you have updated it. I do like the block layout and colour though. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh I see Marie, sorry I had thought you were further down the list that is why I was confused. Yes, that makes sense now.


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